Office 210B.10 Cardinal Piont, Park Road, Rickmansworth WD3 1RE

Job Opportunities

Fast Line Hire is committed to aligning candidates with ideal employment opportunities. Discover a job that perfectly aligns with your skillset in any of the EU countries... MORE

Skill Shortage

Asia holds the promise of a vast demographic dividend, boasting millions of young individuals poised for significant contributions to the workforce. Recognizing this potential... MORE

Our Mission

At fast Line Hire, our mission is to transform the trucking industry by connecting top-tier drivers with leading employers. We are dedicated to delivering efficient... MORE

Our Vision

Our vision is to create a sustainable and thriving ecosystem where success is shared. Through innovation, transparency, and a passion for progress, Fast Line Hire is driving the future... MORE

Expect the best

Fast Line Hire

We are providing full one stop services to providers and drivers for skill assessments, skilling, placement, and immigration advisory. We work with global employers and Drivers to help them find the right talent to address their skill shortage.

Fast Line Hire is committed to aligning candidates with ideal employment opportunities. Discover a job that perfectly aligns with your skillset in any of the EU countries with our dedicated services.

We specialize in connecting talented individuals with roles that not only suit their expertise but also offer fulfilling career prospects.

At fast Line Hire, our mission is to transform the trucking industry by connecting top-tier drivers with leading employers.

We are dedicated to delivering efficient and tailored recruitment solutions, ensuring a seamless match between skilled professionals and companies in need. Committed to excellence, we strive to be the go-to partner for both drivers seeking fulfilling careers and organizations seeking reliable, safety-conscious talent.

Trusted Brand

Our commitment lies in delivering services of the highest quality standards, catering to both skilled drivers and global logistics companies. We prioritize a seamless connection between the best-in-class drivers and top-tier logistics companies. By ensuring excellence in our services,
we not only bridge the gap between talented drivers and industry-leading firms but also contribute to the overall efficiency and reliability of global logistics operations.
Our dedication extends beyond mere connections;

we strive to establish enduring partnerships that enhance the capabilities of drivers and elevate the performance of logistics companies on a global scale.

Skill Shortage

Asia holds the promise of a vast demographic dividend, boasting millions of young individuals poised for significant contributions to the workforce. Recognizing this potential, there exists a crucial need for comprehensive training initiatives that equip these young minds with the necessary skills and competencies. Our focus extends beyond mere employment; we are dedicated to providing meaningful opportunities that align with their aspirations, fostering personal and professional growth. By addressing this demographic dividend through targeted training and purposeful employment, we aim to not only harness the region's youthful energy but also catalyze positive socio-economic transformations, unlocking a brighter and more prosperous future for Asia.


Fast Line Hire – bringing you the true one stop hire opportunities. bringing millions of new drivers into in inline of great and meaningfl employment opportunities


We providing hireing support to both employers and employees by giving them one stop point of contact.


Fast Line Hire is committed to aligning candidates with ideal employment opportunities. Discover a job that perfectly aligns with your skillset in any of the EU countries with our dedicated services.


At Fast Line Hire, our commitment is to empower candidates through a range of personalized services. These include one-on-one Personalized Career Counseling sessions, targeted Skills Development.


We foster a culture of growth through the cultivation of community, seamless technology integration, accessible resources and support, opportunities for career advancement, and a commitment.

The benefits, support and respect every driver deserves

Fast Line Hire is launching a new one stop operation designed exclusively for drivers. We value experienced drivers and we have opportunities for drivers with a Class-A to build successful careers as employee or self-employee drivers

Customer testimonials

Don’t just take our word for it – look at what our customers have to say.
